Bio & CV
Vivek Shastry is an interdisciplinary policy researcher specializing in energy policy and environmental justice. Vivek is passionate about facilitating inclusive rural development through sustainable energy solutions. He is currently a doctoral candidate in public policy at the University of Texas at Austin, LBJ School of Public Affairs. Vivek's research till date has contrinuted to the literature on global energy poverty, U.S. energy transition, and the distributional equity of policy choices. His co-authored works have been published in diverse journals including Energy Research & Social Science, PLOS One, Indoor and Build Environment, and Healthcare for Women International. His doctoral work explores the intersection of energy access, primary health care and rural livelihoods. Prior to his doctoral work, he traveled extensively in rural India and worked at both policy level and implementation of decentralized clean energy projects.
Vivek is a J.N. Tata Fellow, Byron Fellow and a recipient of the J.J. "Jake" Pickle Fellowship at The University of Texas at Austin. He obtained a dual Masters in Sustainable Design, and Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin in 2015, and a B.Tech in Civil Engineering from National institute of Tehnology Karnataka, India.